Tanuf EDP 50ml


The finest components give this perfume an appearance of royalty that is befitting for such a regal and prestigious aroma. Reckon a dash of charm and sophistication with splendid Tanuf. A tremendous confluence of darkness and light. The emerald bottle has the ability to attract one’s interest. Its vibrant green sheen never fades, rendering it a renowned emblem of optimism.
As each element marches with majesty, they integrate into one another to establish a sense of lavishness. It all commences with the zesty citrus essence of mandarin, pineapple, and bergamot. Apples has surprises waiting for you with its juicy entrance. Beautiful path reaching straight into the heart, carrying the exotic aroma of rose accords. Uplifting the senses with spicy and luscious deliciousness. Orange on the other contrary, is blazing a trail of delicious turn.